lunes, 3 de mayo de 2010


1 comentario:

  1. Well Done!

    I see here is a “NEED” to hurry up and create a self sustaining "Creative Fund" that will over time grow and sustain the answer to the question “To stage or not to Stage”?

    I truly believe that La Fábrica can and will indeed be a model of self-sustainability as a cultural leader in this country.

    To this end next week I will concretize and elaborate more about the HEARTBRICK PROJECT: WALL SKETCH.

    We all, who have put some of our “heart”, and soul into La Fábrica now need to step up to the plate, (ie the wall), and together create a new kind of “magic” of sustainability.

    This sustainability need not be “expensive” but, it indeed it needs to be “expansive” in sheer volume.

    Stay tuned, you will all want to be the “first” on the block, or shall I say “brick”.
